GearTalk Biblical Theology

Proverbs 31

Episode Summary

We’re continuing our series on books written by Solomon. Today, we take a look at Proverbs 31. Tom and Jason begin with a consideration of the strong words of a mother to her royal son. These words have a great deal to do with God’s people today. The rest of the podcast concerns the portion of Proverbs 31 focused on the wife of noble character. Jason carefully walks through these verses. He demonstrates, by his explanation of the Hebrew verbs used here, that the Proverbs 31 woman should not be seen as doing one thousand things at the same time. English translations routinely translate these verses in the present tense. However, Jason argues the verbs point in a different direction. This chapter primarily celebrates things she has done in the past. It is a look back at a life well lived.

Episode Notes

You'll find a pdf of Jason DeRouchie's notes on Proverbs (and his translation of Proverbs 31) here. For resources related to biblical theology visit and